

GRE 3000 Adapted for CG/SL 反逆/朱修版再要你命三千 List 13A






进度:贴吧那边是一天一个Unit,日积月累重复记忆效率高嘛,这边半个List发一次,不从List 1 Unit 1开始是因为大鲸正在乱序背单词,等到List 30完毕说不定会回头补。





3)版权日升谷口大河内,Bandai Entertainment(Eng Ver制作公司),陈琦及其旗下GRE复习备考团队所有。 

List 13 Unit 3


1. conciliate [kən'sɪlɪeɪt] vt. 安抚,安慰

2. mournful ['mɔrnfl] adj. 悲哀的;令人惋惜的

Cornelia rushed out to conciliate people who were shocked by Zero's assassination, while the extremely mournful Zero the second was faced with the grim task of burying the Emperor dead by his sword.



3. attune [ə'tjuːn] vt. 使协调;使合拍

After years spent in the Britannian troop, Suzaku found it difficult to attune himself to others.



4. delve [dɛlv] v. 探究,钻研

The book delves into the latest research of the truth underlying the death of the 99th and sole Emperor of the Holy Britannia Empire, His Majesty Lelouch Vi Britannia.



5. nuance ['njuːɑːns] n. 细微的差异

Tohdoh: There is nuance between miracles and foolhardiness.(R1 Ep4)

藤堂:奇迹和无谋不能混为一谈。(R1 第4集)

鲸按:syn. difference

(Actually nuance is patent difference though, they are both used to distinguish things anyway.)


6. demolition [,dɛmə'lɪʃən; ,dimə'lɪʃən] n. 拆除;破坏;毁坏

Lelouch: Perhaps this is what I've longed for ever since that day, the demolition and loss of everything. (R1 Ep23)

鲁路修:或许从那天开始,我便在不断地祈求,破坏与丧失一切。(R1 第23集)

鲸按:syn. destruction


7. homely ['homli] adj. 平凡的;不好看的

Hesitant, homely and cowardly, Ohgi is often dwarfed by Zero of determination under comparison.


鲸按:despite “homely” it fits Suzaku as well.


8. jolt [dʒolt] vt. 使颠簸;使震惊;使摇动

The Black Knights jolted the Holy Britannia out of its indifference.



9. murky ['mɝki] adj. 黑暗的;朦胧的;阴郁的

Lelouch: No cell phone reception. We're out of range. Judging from the murkiness and road surface, we must be driving along the old subway lines. (R1 Ep1)

鲁路修:手机没信号,在通讯覆盖范围以外。从昏暗程度和路面情况来看,可以肯定是在过去的地下铁路线上。(R1 第1集)

鲸按:syn. darkness


10. expurgate ['ɛkspɚɡet] vt. 删除,删去

The Carter Party's claim that the scene where Lelouch and the carter were obviously the same person had been officially expurgated has well proved to be totally wrong.



List 13 Unit 4


1. commodious [kə'modɪəs] adj. 宽敞的;方便的

2. momentous [mo'mɛntəs] adj. 重要的;重大的

The Aries Imperial Villa is bright and commodious for momentous meetings held among states.



3. zeal [zɪːl] n. 热心;热诚;热情

4. belie [bɪ'laɪ] vt. 证明...为假;错误地描述;掩饰

5. patent ['pætnt] adj. 显而易见的,明显的

The great zeal Suzaku had for changing this world peacefully from inside was extinguished by involuntarily firing F.L.E.I.J.A. under the influence of Lelouch's Geass.


鲸按:This incredibly misery experience also belied Suzaku's insistence on internal reform, though patent flaws of this idea had existed since long time ago.



6. erode [ɪ'rəʊd] v. 侵蚀,慢慢减少

This is what the world without Lelouch has eroded Suzaku and turned him into - a quasi human as well as a fraction of something real.



7. boo [buː] n./v. 嘘(以表示不满或嘲笑)

Outrageous people would have booed the dictatorship off the throne except fearing for being executed.



8. subjugate ['sʌbdʒəgeɪt] vt. 征服,镇压

If we haven't been for Zero, the Chinese Federation would've subjugated Kyushu. (R1 Ep21)

如果没有Zero的话,九州已经被中华联邦夺走了。(R1 第21集)

鲸按:syn. conquer


9. congruent ['kɑŋgrʊənt]adj. 和谐一致的

Since both of them had lost the ones they loved and had sullied their hands with the blood of thousands, Suzaku was finally congruent with Lelouch in terms of their plan for world peace.



10. veto ['vɪːtəʊ] n./vt. 否决,禁止

Lelouch: You brought this all on yourself when you vetoed my cisit to join me as my ally. Now you regret these foolish more standards you claim to. (R1 Ep24)

鲁路修:把成为伙伴的机会全部拒绝背叛的人是你。为自己过于执着准则而后悔吧。(R1 第24集)

鲸按:syn. reject


List 13 Unit 5


1. opportune [ɔpə'tun] adj. 适当的;恰好的;合时宜的

2. explicate ['ɛksplɪket] vt. 说明,解释

3. gall [ɡɔl] n. 深深的敌意;大胆,无耻 vt. (使)焦躁,激怒

Despite this opportune moment,Lelouch didn't bother to explicate the truth underlying Euphemia's death given Suzaku's gall against him.



4. drivel ['drɪvl] n./v. 胡言乱语

5. indispensable ['ɪndɪ'spɛnsəbl] adj. 必不可少的,不可或缺的

Over the weeks just before Zero Requiem, Lelouch was becoming indispensable to Suzaku. Even the drivel produced during sleeping besides him reminded Suzaku that the overwrought Emperor could appease himself in reliance on him and thus caused great pleasure to him.



6. reckless ['rɛkləs] adj. 鲁莽的,不顾后果的;粗心大意的

Lelouch: However, and in your usual reckless Euphy fashion, you've managed to end up winning all of it. (R1 Ep22)

鲁路修:但是,虽然是尤菲你一贯乱来的做法,结果最后却把所有的东西都得到了。(R1 第22集)

鲸按:syn. rash  

     And I bet this “all” includes your childhood sweetheart right?


7. cohesive [ko'hisɪv] adj. 凝聚的;有结合力的;紧密结合的;有粘着力的

The terrible lose to Cornelia led Lelouch to the realization that he must establish a more cohesive and broader-based army in order to win over Britannia.  (R1 Ep7)

对柯内莉亚的惨败让鲁路修意识到,要想打赢不列颠尼亚,必须建立起一支更有凝聚力且民众基础更加广泛的军队才行。(R1 第7集)


8. outlandish [aʊt'lændɪʃ] adj. 古怪的;奇异的;异国风格的;偏僻的

Veiling his true identity behind the (outlandish) mask and the code name Zero, Lelouch has made his move to avenge his mother's murder and to create a world in which his younger sister Nunnally can find happiness.

鲸按:Onsets of most episodes, needless to translate. And the design of Zero's pitaya-style mask has really been a thing for us to tease.


9. vitiate ['vɪʃɪet] vt. 损害,弄坏;使无效;污染

Milly's zeal for Sex Reversion Festival really upset Lelouch because he considered it to have vitiated his decent image.



10. stasis ['stesɪs] n. 平衡,停滞

For the time being, the forces of Lelouch the Emperor and of Schneizel remain in stasis, and an invisible battle is now raging between the two of them. (R2 Ep23)

一时间,皇帝鲁路修同施奈泽尔的军队保持势均力敌,看不见的攻击在两人之间不断交错。(R2 第23集)

List 13 Unit 6


1. ponderous ['pɑndərəs] adj. 沉重的;沉闷无聊的

2. abuse [ə'bjus] v. 辱骂,抨击;不正当或不合理使用;过分过量使用

Suzaku's physical prowess has been shown to be almost superhuman as he is strong enough to lift ponderous Lancelot which weighs over tons.


鲸按:You wanna see how Suzaku abuses his physical prowess? Look at the following sample sentences.



3. jaded ['dʒedɪd] adj. 疲惫的;厌倦的,没兴趣没热情的

4. restless ['rɛstləs] adj. 焦躁不安的;不安宁的;得不到满足的

After that long battle with Suzaku in bed, Lelouch was too jaded for anything but a nap, leaving Suzaku restless from eager for continuation.



5. rupture ['rʌptʃɚ] vt. (使)破裂,(使)决断

Disguise, betrayal and hostility eventually ruptured the friendly relationship between Suzaku and Lelouch.



6. fertilize ['fɝtəlaɪz] vt. 使丰富,使肥沃,使多产

7. prolix ['prolɪks] adj. 冗长的;啰嗦的

Once Lelouch substitutes prolix words for brief ones which are already enough for explanation, you know that he is becoming bashful.


鲸按:Let's introduce a context from R2 Episode12 to fertilize the mental images of what we are learning. Here it goes:



Shirley: Welcome back Lelou. You haven't been yourself lately, you know? It's okay. I forgive you. In return, close your eyes for me. Hurry up.

Lelouch: Okay.

Shirley: You thought I was gonna give you a smooch.

Lelouch: Well, you know, I thought there was a possibility...

8. metamorphose [,mɛtə'mɔrfoz] vt. (使)变形;使变成

In some Suzalulu fanfictions or fan books with AU backgrounds, Suzaku metamorphoses from human to non-human beings such as werewolf, Canidae, merman and even beast with love for Lelouch unchanged.



9. hurricane [hʌrɪˌken] n. 飓风;飓风般的事物,引起动荡的事物

10. furor ['fjʊrrɔr] n. 喧闹,狂怒;激动,狂热

Lelouch's installation as the 99th Emperor of Britannia and Suzaku's appointment as His Knight of Zero unleashed a hurricane all over the world and caused a furor among aristocrats.



鲸按:Regarding their wedding, here it goes:

Lelouch: May I introduce Suzaku Kururugi, my knight and my husband. A Knight of the Round above all others. I grant him the title "Knight of Zero".

Kaguya: Suzaku? They're married?

Odysseus: Lelouch, Sir Kururugi, this just won't do. Pulling a bad stunt like this on an international broadcast...

Lelouch: Do you think so? Let me make this easy for you all to understand. Acknowledge us as couple!

Odysseus: Lelouch, I insist that you stop joking around like... We hear and obey, Your Majesty!

Carline&Guinevere: Long Live Love! Long Live Suzalulu!

Long Live Love! 


Long Live Suzalulu!



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